
Certified organic makeup – why should we use it?

23/06/2016 No Comments

Women use makeup everyday as part of their beauty regime to enhance appearance and boost self esteem. Typically, makeup is worn all day and sometimes into the evening – thus it is on the face 8-12 hours every day. Remembering that the skin is the biggest organ of the human body and is porous, meaning it will absorb anything you put on it!

Chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and into our bloodstreams causing toxic effects. Although the skin acts as a protective barrier against many microorganisms and chemicals, there are some chemicals that can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. Researchers are now beginning to uncover that some of the ingredients in makeup, beauty and personal care products can be linked to disease.

Fortunately in the last few years, as people have been made aware of this research, there are more companies that have come out with natural organic alternatives.

Here are some reasons why we recommend only certified organic natural makeup:

Certified Organic Makeup Vs Natural

Natural is a loose term that has a lack of industry standards. It refers to ingredients or products derived from plants, mineral or algae. Companies can label a product as natural even if it contains a very small portion of natural ingredients. Certified Organic refers to items produced, manufactured and handled using organic means as defined by certifying bodies such as the Organic Federation of Australia. This means producing the products without conventional pesticides, irradiation, fertilisers, bio-engineering or synthetic chemicals of any kind. The best way to ensure you are using a truly safe product is by looking for one that is certified organic.

Eco Friendly

Conventional beauty products use petroleum based ingredients often combined with a cocktail of other chemicals for their production process. These can be harsh substances such as petroleum, aluminium and lead, all of which require extensive mining that can damage some of the world’s most beautiful and sensitive areas.

No Harsh Chemicals

Conventional makeup contains harsh chemicals that may cause irritation, inflammation and allergic reactions. These chemicals can also be absorbed through the skin and cause a myriad of problems including hormonal disruption, liver conditions and irritation of the mucous membranes. Some examples are talc, parabens, nanoparticles, titanium dioxide, sunscreen, chemical dyes, bismuth oxychloride. Some of these can be linked to cancer and diabetes.

Natural Fragrance

Man-made aromas expose our bodies to a number of toxic effects. Some of these fragrances can be linked to cancer, nervous system disorders, intolerances, allergies and birth defects. Not only do we inhale these into our lungs, we absorb them into our body. Essential oils are the best natural perfumes in the world and the most concentrated so we only need a little.


Certified organic makeup products contain skin nurturing ingredients such as essential oils, herbal extracts and botanicals that will feed, nurture and hydrate the skin. Some of these could be aloe vera, hyaluronic acid for increased skin elasticity and hydration, lavender, lemon myrtle, jojoba oil and the list goes on. If it’s good enough to wear then it better be good enough to eat!

Protection from Premature Ageing

Certified organic makeup made with natural minerals generally provides a certain level of sun protection. Our skin on the face is thinner and more susceptible to UV-related skin ageing, so choosing a mineral-rich organic makeup product may help support healthy skin. Common organic mineral ingredients include:

  • Zinc oxide, which helps protect against both UVA (ultraviolet A) and UVB (ultraviolet B) types of light
  • Titanium oxide, with build in sun protection by reflecting and scattering UV rays.

When it comes to your makeup, beauty or food the best choice is always organic – you can be sure that you’re doing yourself, the planet, and others a great deal of good.

Shop Certified Organic Makeup & Skincare


Beauty comes from within, and it starts with you!

Here at Living Valley we believe that true beauty comes from good health within, with certified organic makeup just being an added bonus to help nourish our major organ, the skin, and make us as women look and feel fantastic! To promote that beautiful radiant healthy glow it’s important to consume a diet rich in different coloured vegetables, plenty of good fats, good protein sources and get plenty of exercise and sleep.

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